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TEA has cultivated and sustained strategic partnerships with various U.S. Government (USG) organizations, serving as sponsors, clients, and trusted teammates.  We take great pride in our enduring partnerships with our valued clients.


The Navy’s Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (PEO C4I) is committed to the development and acquisition of communication and technology tools that deliver affordable, necessary, integrated, and interoperable information warfare capabilities to the Fleet. This includes the management of acquisition programs and projects that cover all C4I disciplines.  PEO C4I is headquartered at NAVWAR’s Old Town Campus in San Diego and includes 11 program offices responsible for acquiring, fielding, and supporting critical C4I systems extending across Navy, Joint, and Coalition platforms.  NAVWAR and NAVSEA are responsible for the overall management and direction of PEO C4I activities.

NAVWAR and NIWC Pacific

Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) is one of six major Department of Navy acquisition commands.  While other Navy acquisition commands, such as Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), focus on specific platforms, NAVWAR focuses on capable and secure communications and networks that span platforms and facilities.  NAVWAR consists of affiliated Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and bicoastal reporting Naval Information Warfare Centers (NIWCs).


Naval Information Warfare Centers (NIWC) Pacific has been at the center of incorporating advanced technologies to Navy and Joint service platforms and sites that have enabled new operational concepts and capabilities for decades. NAVWAR and NIWC Pacific provide the U.S. Navy and military with essential capabilities in the areas of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), cyber, and space.  NIWC Pacific is located in San Diego, California, with detachments in Hawaii, Guam, and Japan. 


TEA holds a number of Prime contract awards supporting the Engineering, Science and Technology and Acquisition and Program Management competencies for our NAVWAR and NIWC clients.

NAVSEA and NSWC Dahlgren

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) is the largest of the Navy’s six systems commands.  NAVSEA accounts for nearly one quarter of the Navy’s entire budget.  NAVSEA focuses on the engineering, build, purchasing and maintenance of ships, submarines and combat systems that meet the Fleet’s current and future operational requirements.  NAVSEA consists of affiliated directorates, field activities / warfare centers, and Program Executive Offices (PEOs).


Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) provides research, development, test and evaluation, analysis, systems engineering, integration and certification of complex naval warfare systems.  As a premier naval scientific and engineering institution, NSWCDD is critical to new design concepts for current ships and for systems integration and interoperability for the U.S. Navy.  NSWCDD is headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia.


TEA performs engineering, software development, formal training and program management services for NSWCDD through a variety of contract awards with our industry partners.


The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)) has lead responsibility for synchronizing Science & Technology (S&T) efforts across the DoD, the Joint Staff and the Services.  The USD(R&E) oversees Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Missile Defense Agency (MDA), and Test Resource Management Center (TRMC), along with other defense agencies, and is responsible for managing the DoD science and technology portfolio.


TEA holds a NIWC Pacific Prime contract (TRMC sponsored) providing for engineering services to ensure DoD components have the necessary Test and Evaluation (T&E) infrastructure to accomplish their missions, by managing and overseeing the DoD's test and evaluation ranges, facilities, and capabilities to support modernization efforts. 


Additionally, TEA performs engineering and software development services in support of the Joint Fires Network (JFN) program.  The JFN leverages state-of-the-are sensors, analytics, and machine learning algorithms to optimize the delivery of precise and timely firepower, ensuring that the appropriate assets are deployed at the right moment, thus significantly improving operational effectiveness. 






6050 Santo Road, Suite 250

San Diego, CA 92124

858.573.9869     phone

858.573.9869     fax

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915 Maple Grove Drive, Suite 200

Fredericksburg, VA 22407

540.710.7712    phone

540.710.7715    fax

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